You are currently viewing CDP Launch Event for CDP Financial Services Climate Change and Forests Pilot Results 2020

CDP Launch Event for CDP Financial Services Climate Change and Forests Pilot Results 2020

CDP will share aggregated results from the CDP Financial Services Climate and Forests Pilot including how Southeast Asian and global banks are currently responding to climate change and forest risks, opportunities and prospect for improvements in environmental management. CDP will also share recommendations from their policy brief on Climate and Forest Risks in Lending Portfolios. The recommendations include an optimum strategy for policymakers, regulators, and financial institutions to consider whilst developing climate change and forest policy.

Date: 24 February 2021
Time: 16:30 (GMT+8)

Please find here for further information about CDP and the project. The launch event will be presented in English with live Bahasa Indonesian translation.

Register here for the launch event and if you would like to receive the recording of the launch event.


Time (GMT+8) Agenda Speaker

16:30 - 16:38

Welcome and Introduction by CDP

16:38 - 16:45

Opening remarks by CDP Director
Pratima Divgi, Director: Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, ANZ

16:45 - 17:05

CDP Financial Services Climate Change and Forests Pilot Results Report: Key findings of the results report and the evolution of CDP’s Financial Services Questionnaire

Christian Lonnqvist, Manager, Financial Services


Joseph Power, Senior Manager, Sustainable Finance

17:05 - 17:20

Policy brief: Climate and Forest Risks in Lending Portfolios

CDP: Nur Arifiandi, Policy Engagement Manager


KPMG: Dr. Andries Terblanche, Global Lead of Dynamic Risk Assessment

17:20 - 17:30

Q&A session

17:30 - 18:10

Panel discussion: The role of sustainable finance in promoting best practice climate and forest management throughout the supply chain

Moderator: Corrado Forcellati, Director, Sustainability Services, KPMG Singapore


KWAP (Malaysia Retirement Fund): Rizal Mohamed Ali, Head of Responsible Investment, Corporate and Strategy Performance


CP Foods: Jeranee Janrungautai, Assistant Director, Sustainability Policy and Strategy


TBC: Global and Southeast Asian bank

18:10 - 18:15

Closing remarks: What’s next? Urgent and actionable takeaways for scaling up climate and forest action
CDP: Pietro Bertazzi, Global Director of Policy Engagement